The DeepGreenInno project is funded by the European Union and the EIT HEI Initiative.
Event 13

Event 13

National Seminar in Ruse

The national seminar “Deep Tech Research for Green Future”, organized under the DeepGreenInno project, was held at the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” on April 29, 2024. It was attended by students from the Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Transport faculty and business-oriented specialties. They listened with interest to what our speakers had to say about the future of graphene production in Europe, the new ecological principles in the choice of architectural materials, as well as good environmental practice in copper smelting.

Националният семинар „Deep Tech Research for Green Future“, организиран по проект DeepGreenInno, се проведе в Русенски университет „Ангел Кънчев“ на 29.04.2024 г. В него участваха студенти от машинно-технологичния, транспортния факулетет и бизнес-ориентирани специалности. Те слушаха с любопитство какво казаха нашите лектори за бъдещето на производството на графен в Европа, новите екологични принципи при избора на архитектурни материали, както и добрата екологична практика при топенето на мед.

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