Deep Green Inno – University of Ruse

The DeepGreenInno project is funded by the European Union and the EIT HEI Initiative.
Deep Green Inno – University of Ruse

Deep Green Inno – University of Ruse


The DeepGreenInno project is going to contribute to the European Deep Tech Talent Initiative by capacity building of the 5 partnering HEI institutions in the East South East Europe (ESEE) countries (2 in Bosnia and...


The DeepGreenInno project is going to contribute to the European Deep Tech Talent Initiative by capacity building of the 5 partnering HEI institutions in the East South East Europe (ESEE) countries (2 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1 in Serbia, 1 in Bulgaria, and 1 in Albania). An increase in innovative capacity in green material technologies, green chemistry and material chain-related environmental protection is the core of the project. The project will support the development of high-quality innovation training related to environmentally acceptable material industry issues, by introducing the “green” innovation principles with ever-increasing potential roles of “deep tech”. Sensor applications, artificial intelligence and fast data analysis used in synergy to improve the production and processing of materials are defining in classifying the new ideas as “deep tech”. In line with the Deep Tech Talent Initiative, the project will enable HEIs to educate students in achieving the “greener” technologies leading to ever greener transition of European industries and societies. The DeepGreenInno project is funded by the European Union and the EIT HEI Initiative.

National Workshop in Ruse „Deep Tech Research for Greener Future”

DeepGreenInno project partner, the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, has the pleasure to announce that the National Workshop in Ruse „Deep Tech Research for Greener Future” will be held on 29 and 30.04.2024 where speakers will be several project partners and guests.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”!

Green Business Plan Contest

Green Business Plan Contest 05.2024

About the contest

The Faculty of Business and Management of the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” hosts the competition for a green business plan, which is held under the auspices of the DeepGreenInno project.

Globally, green entrepreneurship is on the rise, and in Bulgaria, as well as in the other Balkan countries, its importance has been growing significantly. The main principles of green entrepreneurship are the conservation and restoration of natural resources, the improvement of the standard of living in general and the care of the environment and nature in both personal and professional contexts. Emphasizing green technologies and sustainable development, we hope to gather young and innovative people from Bulgaria to present ambitious entrepreneurial ideas that will find their future in the country.

Teams: high school students and/or students (individually or in groups)

Business plan submission deadline: May 10, 2024.

The business plan should be written in English and sent to in the form of an attached PDF file. Please use the same email address if you have any questions. The organizers will offer the necessary tools to complete the task.

Competition date: June 4, 2024 at the Faculty of Business and Management of the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”

Prize fund: 4000 euros

After the contest, certificates of participation will be awarded to each participant.
Apart from the official competition, participants will get a great chance to network with industry professionals and expand their understanding of sustainable development and green business.


Проектът DeepGreenInno ще допринесе за инициативата European Deep Tech Talent чрез изграждане на капацитет на 5-те партньорски висши училища в страните от Източна Югоизточна Европа (2 в Босна и Херцеговина, 1 в Сърбия, 1 в България и 1 в Албания). Фокус на проекта е увеличаването на иновативния капацитет в технологиите за екологични материали, екологичната химия и свързаната с материалната верига защита на околната среда. Проектът ще подпомогне развитието на висококачествено обучение за иновации, свързано с проблемите на екологично приемливо производство на материали, чрез въвеждане на принципите на „зелените“ иновации с непрекъснато нарастващи потенциални роли на „дълбоките технологии“. Сензорните приложения, изкуственият интелект и бързият анализ на данни, използвани в синергия за подобряване на производството и обработката на материали, са определящи при класифицирането на новите идеи като „дълбоки технологии“. В съответствие с Deep Tech Talent Initiative, проектът ще даде възможност на висшите училища да обучават студенти за въвеждането на „по-екологични“ технологии, водещи до все по-екологичен преход на европейските индустрии и общества.
Проектът DeepGreenInno е финансиран от Европейския съюз и EIT HEI Initiative.

Национален семинар в Русе „Deep Tech Research for Green Future“

Партньорът на проект DeepGreenInno, Русенският университет „Ангел Кънчев“, има удоволствието да съобщи, че на 29 и 30.04.2024 г. ще се проведе Национален семинар в Русе, озаглавен „Deep Tech Research for Green Future“, на който лектори ще бъдат няколко партньора по проекта и гости.
Очакваме ви в Русенски университет „Ангел Кънчев”!

Състезание за зелен бизнес план

Green Business Plan Contest 05.2024

Относно състезанието

Факултет Бизнес и мениджмънт на Русенския университет „Ангел Кънчев“ е домакин на състезанието за зелен бизнес план, което се провежда под егидата на проект DeepGreenInno.

В световен мащаб зеленото предприемачество е във възход, а в България, както и в другите балкански страни, значението му значително нараства напоследък. Основните принципи на зеленото предприемачество са опазването и възстановяването на природните ресурси, повишаването на жизнения стандарт като цяло и грижата за околната среда и природата както в личен, така и в професионален контекст. Поставяйки акцент върху зелените технологии и устойчивото развитие, се надяваме да съберем млади и иновативни хора от България, които да представят амбициозни предприемачески идеи, които да намерят своето бъдеще в страната.

Отбори: гимназисти и/или студенти (индивидуално или по групи)

Краен срок за подаване на бизнес план: 10 май 2024 г.

Бизнес планът трябва да бъде написан на английски език и изпратен на под формата на прикачен PDF файл. Моля, използвайте същия имейл адрес, ако имате въпроси. Организаторите ще предложат необходимите инструменти за изпълнение на задачата.

Дата на състезанието: 4 юни 2024 г. във Факултет Бизнес и мениджмънт на Русенския университет „Ангел Кънчев“

Награден фонд: 4000 евро

След приключване на състезанието ще бъдат връчени сертификати за участие на всеки участник.
Освен официалното състезание, участниците ще получат чудесен шанс да се свържат с професионалисти от индустрията и да разширят разбирането си за устойчиво развитие и зелен бизнес.

Event 20

Student’s competition The University of Ruse reported the successful conduction of the “Green Business Plan” contest organized by DeepGreenInno project.  The jury, which included Prof....
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Event 19

Mentoring Academic and Non-academic Staff Academic and non-academic staff from the University of Ruse “A. Kanchev” completed а DeepGreenInno project training "Presentation of professional experience...
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Event 18

Students’ training Under the DeepGreenInno initiative, students from the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" of numerous engineering departments took part in trainings aimed at fostering...
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Event 17

Industrial visit to "Technical Components Bulgaria" EOOD On 30.03.2024, students from "Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse, Vidin branch, studying "Industrial Management" conducted an industrial visit...
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Event 16

On 10.06.2024, students from the University of Ruse carried out an industrial visit to Alcomet AD, Shumen, Bulgaria. Future graduates saw how a company that...
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Event 15

Students Mentoring We are glad to share our successful cooperation with Great Master Ltd for mentoring the students from the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”. After...
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Event 20

Student’s competition The University of Ruse reported the successful conduction of the “Green Business Plan” contest organized by DeepGreenInno project.  The jury, which included Prof....
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Event 19

Mentoring Academic and Non-academic Staff Academic and non-academic staff from the University of Ruse “A. Kanchev” completed а DeepGreenInno project training "Presentation of professional experience...
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Event 18

Students’ training Under the DeepGreenInno initiative, students from the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" of numerous engineering departments took part in trainings aimed at fostering...
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Event 17

Industrial visit to "Technical Components Bulgaria" EOOD On 30.03.2024, students from "Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse, Vidin branch, studying "Industrial Management" conducted an industrial visit...
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Event 16

On 10.06.2024, students from the University of Ruse carried out an industrial visit to Alcomet AD, Shumen, Bulgaria. Future graduates saw how a company that...
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Event 15

Students Mentoring We are glad to share our successful cooperation with Great Master Ltd for mentoring the students from the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”. After...
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Event 14

Посещение на студенти и преподаватели от България и чужбина в Скални материали АД On 04/30/2024, students and teachers from Bulgaria and abroad visited Skalni Materiali...
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Event 13

National Seminar in Ruse The national seminar "Deep Tech Research for Green Future", organized under the DeepGreenInno project, was held at the University of Ruse...
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Event 20

Student’s competition The University of Ruse reported the successful conduction of the “Green Business Plan” contest organized by DeepGreenInno project.  The jury, which included Prof. Maria Nikolova, Prof. Daniel Pavlov, and Assoc. Prof. Pavel Vitliemov received four business proposals to review.  All start-up proposals showcase inventiveness by using environmentally friendly …

Event 19

Mentoring Academic and Non-academic Staff Academic and non-academic staff from the University of Ruse “A. Kanchev” completed а DeepGreenInno project training “Presentation of professional experience on ways to stimulate entrepreneurial thinking when working with students” organized by the Center in Technological Transfer and Entrepreneurship. The training included three main topics: …

Event 18

Students’ training Under the DeepGreenInno initiative, students from the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” of numerous engineering departments took part in trainings aimed at fostering entrepreneurial thinking and utilizing “deep tech” as the primary force behind contemporary technological advancement. On the one hand, they enrolled in online courses offered by …

Event 17

Industrial visit to “Technical Components Bulgaria” EOOD On 30.03.2024, students from “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse, Vidin branch, studying “Industrial Management” conducted an industrial visit to “Technical Components Bulgaria” EOOD, Vidin. The company specializes in the production and assembly of electronic components for enterprises producing various types of electrical appliances …

Event 16

On 10.06.2024, students from the University of Ruse carried out an industrial visit to Alcomet AD, Shumen, Bulgaria. Future graduates saw how a company that is a leader in the production of aluminium products, invested in world-class technology and robotic equipment with the possibility of feedback and training, focusing on …

Event 15

Students Mentoring We are glad to share our successful cooperation with Great Master Ltd for mentoring the students from the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”. After signing a partnership agreement, the multiple visits of students to the company trained them in the deep tech field of high-precision 3D scanning, CAD design, …

Event 14

Посещение на студенти и преподаватели от България и чужбина в Скални материали АД On 04/30/2024, students and teachers from Bulgaria and abroad visited Skalni Materiali AD (, where the executive director Iliyan Hristov and his workers demonstrated the deep technological aspects of processing limestone (calcium carbonate or chalk). Students learn …

Event 13

National Seminar in Ruse The national seminar “Deep Tech Research for Green Future”, organized under the DeepGreenInno project, was held at the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” on April 29, 2024. It was attended by students from the Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Transport faculty and business-oriented specialties. They listened with …

Event 12

The training of students from the University of Ruse under the DeepGreenInno project continues with another industrial visit – this time in Veliko Tarnovo. Except for the historical and cultural capital of Bulgaria and one of the most beautiful towns in the country, Veliko Tarnovo harbors several large companies working …

Event 11

Carrying out the activities of the DeepGreenInno project, on April 10, 2024, students from the University of Ruse visited the Vetovo factory of Kaolin EAD. They got to know the complete production cycle – from the receipt and analysis of raw materials in the mines, through the separation of the …